Use of HYV Seeds

Concept Explanation

Use of HYV Seeds

Use of HYV Seeds: The Green Revolution in the late l96Os introduced the Indian farmers to the cultivation of wheat and rice using High Yielding Varieties (HYVs) of seeds. HYV seeds produced much greater amounts of grain on a single plant as compared to a traditional seed plant. Higher yields were only with the combination of HYV seeds, irrigation (plenty of water), chemical fertilisers, pesticides, etc.

In India farmers of Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar were the first to try out modern methods of farming. Some farmers also bought farm machinery like tractors and threshers.

This made ploughing and harvesting faster. In Palampur, with the HYV seeds, the yield of wheat went up to 3200 kg tare as compared to 1300 kg per hectare with the traditional seeds. Farmers now had greater amounts of surplus wheat to sell in the markets.


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